6 Reasons Why Incumbents Lose Tenders

So you’ve been enjoying a lucrative Government or Commercial contract but the contract term is coming to a close and you have to get on the tender merry-go-round once again. But all too often I see the incumbent fail - and I usually end up talking to them 3 years later when the contract is again up for tender. So what goes wrong? I’ve reviewed loads of tenders prepared by the incumbent service provider and I can tell you a few common issues I see time after time.

How To Win a Tender or Bid in 8 Simple Steps

Tenders. They’re usually complex, often confusing and always time consuming - but the reward for winning means a lucrative contract for your business. Sadly there is no magic formula that will guarantee success in the tendering process, and each tender is different. But if you want to increase your bid success rate, there are a number of steps you can take to help you win.

For a Great Tender Submission — DIY or Get Professional Help?

For a Great Tender Submission — DIY or Get Professional Help?

Writing a tender submission that ticks all of the boxes can be a pretty complex business, and it’s not just about answering questionnaires or filling in forms. It’s about constructing a rational and compliant submission that tells an awesome story about your business so you’ll have the best chances of winning that lucrative contract.

How to Price Your Tender Response

How to Price Your Tender Response

As a tender writer, I'm often asked for help in pricing the bid and while I can discuss pricing strategies with you, when it comes to the price you want to put forward, I can't tell you what a winning price looks like.  You know your business, your operating costs and who your competitors are, so no one is in a better position than you to understand your market and your cost model.